
Bešlin, Maša. in prep. What actually delimits the context for allomorphy? Proceedings of NELS 55. [email me for a draft!]

Bešlin, Maša. in prep. Apparent Voice mismatches in K’iche’ ellipsis: Consequences for the Syntactic Identity Condition and theories of features. [email me for a draft!]

Bešlin, Maša. accepted. Active participles are (deverbal) adjectives. Journal of Linguistics. [pdf]

Bešlin, Maša. in press. On the incompatibility of two types of phases. Proceedings of NELS 54. [pdf]

Bešlin, Maša. in press. DP in a model NP language: Evidence from Serbo-Croatian personal pronouns. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics. [pdf]

Bešlin, Maša. 2023. Revisiting Passive Participles: Category Status and Internal Structure. Linguistic Inquiry 54(4), 729-758. [pdf]

Bešlin, Maša. 2023. Passive vP is not phasal in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America. [pdf]

Bešlin, Maša. 2023. Reanalyzing K’iche’ as a Tensed Language. Proceedings of WAIL 25. [pdf]

Bešlin, Maša. 2022. Raising as a free syntactic operation: Evidence from Serbian. Annual Review of the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad. [pdf]

Milićev, Tanja and Maša Bešlin. 2019. Instrumental: Why It is Absent from the Clitic System in Serbian/Croatian. Jezik, književnost, teorija. [pdf]

Bešlin, Maša. 2018. The Case of Temporal Bare-NP Adverbials in Serbo-Croatian. Ms, UNS. [pdf]

Handouts & slides

Bešlin, Maša. 2024. Apparent Voice mismatches in K’iche’ ellipsis: Consequences for the Syntactic Identity Condition. FAMLi VII. [slides]

Bešlin, Maša. 2024. Domain mismatches in syntax and morphophonology: The case of Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian adjectives. NELS 54. [poster]

Bešlin, Maša. 2023. The Darwin-Plato tension, grammatical primitives, and linguistic principles. Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. [handout]

Bešlin, Maša. 2023. Distinct locality domains above and below the ‘word’ level: Evidence from Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian adjectives. RALFE. [handout]

Bešlin, Maša. 2023. Passive vP is not phasal in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. LSA 97. [handout]

Milićev, Tanja and Maša Bešlin. 2022. Embedded Clauses in Old English: Between Syntax and Pragmatics. ELALT 6. [handout]

Bešlin, Maša. 2021. On raising-to-subject as a free syntactic operation. ÖLT 46. [handout]

Bešlin, Maša. 2021. A Mayan Temporal Puzzle. Berkeley Syntax & Semantics Circle. [handout]

Bešlin, Maša. 2021. DP in a model NP language: Evidence from Serbo-Croatian personal pronouns. IATL 36. [slides]

Bešlin, Maša. 2021. No such thing as a verbal participle. FDSL 14. [slides]

Bešlin, Maša. 2020. Encoding the eventive/resultative/stative distinction on passive participles cross-linguistically. SinFonIJA 13. [slides]

Bešlin, Maša. 2020. What’s in a name? The syntax of passive participles. SLS 15. [handout]

Milićev, Tanja and Maša Bešlin. 2019. Case alternations with temporal bare-NP adverbials in Old English. ELALT 5. [handout]